Old Dog, New Tricks

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July 13, 2008 - Personal Day

As I mentioned previously, Sundays and Mondays our our typical days off. This is a time to catch up on personal stuff such as stocking up on groceries, doing laundry, and taking a nap!!

Today I woke with a killer headache; one where you remember why it's good you don't own a gun. I pushed through and managed to get some things done.

Mika and I visited Petco in our unending quest for just the right flat collar. We (and by "we" I mean me!) fell in love with a pink plaid one but they didn't have it in her size. We've tried other locations with no luck. But the trip was not a waste because it was great socialization. We encountered a lot of sights, sounds, and people. It was adoption day so there were cats meowing, dogs barking, birds chirping, mice running, and vacuums sucking. Mik was a bit overwhelmed but it was a good experience and one we need to repeat.

I also managed to scope out a health market where I got some of the vegetarian goodies I've been missing. Then I rounded out my trip with a stop at Walmart for nasal douching supplies (saline to clean out my nose in the hopes of warding off sinus infections).

By about 7 pm I was finally fully functional. Mika and I found Route 66 State Park where we walked for 30 min. until the sun went down. Back at school we did laundry and played Ball to the Wall, where we get the dogs amped up over a toy. (I'll have a video camera soon and can post footage so you know what I mean.) It's pretty funny to see the tiny puppies get riled!

The game is done with the dogs wearing a flat collar but since we haven't gotten one for Mika yet, I borrowed an agitation collar from another student so we could participate. An agitation collar is a fat leather collar about 3 inches wide. Mik looked like a miniature tough girl. SOOO CUTE!

All the activity late in the evening wore the poor girl out. You would have thought she was dead laying in the training room passed out, and I could hardly rile her to go get the laundry.

She's tucked in bed now and I should be too!


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